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Avishek Sen | Once again I want to love her
The Subaltern Can Paint
Husain’s Hanuman | A Ten-Serigraph Collection by Modernist Master M.F. Husain
M.F. Husain "Untitled (After 'Gandhi')" Send-off Celebration
Sivasubramaniam Kajendran | Garbha Griha: Sanctum Sanctorum
Noor Al Suwaidi | Divine Chaos
Ruby Chishti | The World is a Loose Stitch
Crouched Hulk | Monochromatic works of K. Laxma Goud from the Herwitz Collection (1963-1978)
With Every Fiber
Adeel Uz Zafar | Triad
End of Nature II
Paritosh Sen & Rabin Mondal | Oh! Calcutta! : Lost in the City
Vrindavani Viaragya | Dispassionate Love
Ahsan Memon | Shab
Poetics of Relatability | Group Show
Abir Karmakar | Nightjar
Jeremy Dennis | Open Conflict
Majumdar + Pravat | Fragmented Reality
Maya Varadaraj | No Feeling Is Final
Shobha Broota | Silence Visualized
Sonja Larsson | First Light
Dhara Mehrotra | Nexus
Priyantha Udagedara | Taprobane
Rajan Krishnan | Ecologue
Feast of the Gods
Gigi Scaria | Life, Death, and Miscellaneous
Gandhi's Keepers
Swagata Bhattacharyya | Scenes From A Despot's Dream
G. R. Iranna | Floating Verses
I Shouted My Laughter To The Stars
Tom Vattakuzhy | Song of the Dusk
Katja Larsson | Myth / Machine
Maya Varadaraj | Accident of Birth
Notes From The Motherland
Judith Has Arrived
Adeela Suleman | Mercy Shall Follow Me
Given Time: The Gift and Its Offerings
Best Laid Plans
Affan Baghpati | Anatomy of a Horny Heart
Seher Naveed | Contained
Abdullah M. I. Syed | Nurun 'ala Nur (Light upon Light!)
Marcy Chevali | From the Inside
A Perfect Society
The Wheel of Time
Jagannath Panda | Where City Meets Sea
Sujith S. N. | Likeness of Being II
Avishek Sen | Whoever brought me here will have to take me home
All In a Day's Work: Abstract Art by Women
Ruby Chishti | The Tide Turns
M. F. Husain | The Attenborough Panels
Promotesh Das Pulak | Sugar Blades
Najmun Nahar Keya | A Tale of One City
Debanjan Roy | Inappropriated: The Toy Gandhi
Memories of the Mahatma
The End of Nature
Venice Biennale 2019
Likeness of Being: Portraiture in the Selfie Age
Sujith S. N. | Seeds of Silence
Saks Afridi | SpaceMosque
Salman Toor | Time After Time
M.F. Husain | Restless Traveler
Sweeping Back the Sea: Contemporary Art from Pakistan
Shobha Broota | Resonance
Delicate Bond of Steel
Thought Bubble
Rajan Krishnan | A Retrospective
In-Site | Arunkumar H.G.
Year End 2017
Abdullah M.I. Syed | Divine Economy Chapter 1: Structures
Guns & Roses: Mumbai Exhibition II
G. R. Iranna | The Primordial Ash
Gigi Scaria | All About This Side
Adeela Suleman | Not Everyone's Heaven
Portraits of Intervention: Contemporary Art from Sri Lanka
Culture of the Streets
M. Pravat | From Today: I Have No Future
Delicate Bond of Steel
Walking With My Mother's Shadow
Go Figure
Promotesh Das Pulak | Betrayal of Innocence and Beauty
Aditya Pande | All Of The Above
Rekha Rodwittiya | The Rituals of Memory
Adeel Uz Zafar | Monomania
Salman Toor | Resident Alien
Husain at Hundred
Husain at Hundred | Part II
Abir Karmakar | Uncanny Space
Eat Pray Thug
Semblance of Order
Mapmakers III
Nitin Mukul | Those That Blossom, And the Blossomless
Rati Chakravyuh | A Film By Ashish Avikunthak
Readymade: Contemporary Art from Bangladesh
Adeela Suleman | Towards The End
Tempered Branches
The Altar of Convenience
Forgotten Figures
Arrivals and Departures: The Story of Indian Modern Art
Reflections and Transformations
In The Remains
Ram Kumar and the Bombay Progressives
Ram Kumar and the Bombay Progressives
Brut Nama (The Chronicles of Brut)
Remaking the Modern
Salman Toor | The Happy Servant
Up Above the World: Contemporary South Asian Photography
DIL Benefit Auction
Past Parallels: The Art of Modern and Pre-Modern India
Past Parallels: The Art of Modern and Pre-Modern India, Pt. II
Mapmakers II: The Evolution of Contemporary Indian Art
Fact | Fission
Jamini Roy & Somnath Hore: Figuration in the Bengal School: Part II
Jamini Roy & Somnath Hore: Figuration in the Bengal School: Part I
Iconic Processions
Iconic Processions, Pt.II
Alone | Together
Indo-American Arts Council Benefit Auction
Mapmakers: The Evolution of Contemporary Indian Art
Through the Ages: South Asian Sculpture and Painting from Antiquity to Modernism (Part 1)
Through the Ages: South Asian Sculpture and Painting from Antiquity to Modernism (Part 2)
Ashish Avikunthak: Short Films
Méré Humd(r)um
Reprise - 2011
The Morning After
Adeela Suleman
Modern Masters
Pre-Modern Masterpieces
States of Departure: Progressives to Present Day
POP - Progressives on Paper
Baiju Parthan | Dislocation: Milljunction Part 2
Raghu Rai: Invocation to India
The Mythic and the Epic: Pre-Modern Indian Sculpture and Painting
Ram Kumar | A Retrospective
Past Traditions/Present Discourses I
Past Traditions/Present Discourses II
Amna Ilyas Solo Exhibition
Raghu Rai: A Retrospective
The Emergence of Indian Modern Art
Left - SAWCC's Annual Visual Arts Exhibition
Figure/Landscape - Part Two
Ram Kumar: A Retrospective
Figure/Landscape - Part One
Anwar Saeed
Saad Qureshi
Rasheed Araeen
After All It's Always Somebody Else...
Dali's Elephant
Malleable Memory
Summer Works Release
A Missing History: The Other Story Re-visited
Invisible Cities
"Let's Fly First Class!"
Burning Flags
Modern Folk
Above and Beyond
Simon Tegala: Undivided and Indivisible
Royale with Cheese
The Drawing Lab
ARCO Madrid 2010
Home and the World
Raghu Rai: A Retrospective
The Drawing Lab
Unfold the Truth
Discerning Form
The State of Things: Recent Art from Pakistan
In Search of the Vernacular
Refugees/Their Own Lands
Maa tuje salaam (Hail to Mother)
Pathways and Practices
Space Invader
Experiments with Truth
I Love Miniature
Failing States
Enraptured Gaze
The Wind Whispers: Jayashree Chakravarty
Love's Microcosm: Contemporary Miniatures from Pakistan
Anandajit Ray: Inflate
Manish Pushkale: Serendipitous Encounters
Laxma Goud: Solo Exhibition
Pankaj Panwar
Poetic Documentary
Moderns and More
Jehangir Sabavala
Signed MF Husain Serigraphs from the Herwitz Collection
Nagesh Sharma
Farida Batool, Adeela Suleman, and Tazeen Qayyum
Signs Taken for Wonders: Recent Art from India and Pakistan
Birth of Blindness
The Human Dichotomy
Ghost of Souza
Post-Independence Masters
Summer Collection
Tradition, Technique, Technology - II
Tradition, Technique, Technology - I
Bose Krishnamachari | GHOST
Mayyur Kailash Gupta
Post-Independence Masters
Atul Bhalla
Sanatan Saha
Talha Rathore
Middle Edge
G. R. Iranna
Muhammad Zeeshan
Shobha Broota
Who Knew? Mr. Gandhi
Winter Moderns
Winter Moderns
Winter Show
Figurative Pakistan
K. Laxma Goud
Debnath Basu
Asian Contemporary Art Fair
Abir Karmakar
John Tun Sein
S. Harsha Vardhana
New Wave
From The Vault
From The Vault
Yogesh Rawal
Lahore Lovelies
Yusuf Arakkal
Indrapramit Roy
Neeraj Goswami
Art Fairs